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University Library


ABZ: Artists' Books & Zines: Makers & Distributors

A guide to the artist's books and zines in Ricker's collections, materials across the university library system, notable makers of interest, and further related resources.

Book Artists Index

Each name down below is a direct link to their website for your convenience.

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About This Page

The makers and distributors found across the tabs down below are noted here for additional interesting examples of artists' books and for how they fit in the wider context of some contemporary artist's practices. However, they're also noted here to serve as points of contact. Sometimes it's worth reaching out to ask someone about how they got to where they are with their materials, concepts, and investigative process, and often, people have a lot to say. It's also quite possible that you have your own works to share or are looking to acquire copies of artists' books too, in which case, the distributors down below might be of interest. But in any case, it's always good to remember that you can talk to people!

If you have any questions not for makers or distributors themselves, or perhaps, feel uncomfortable doing so directly yourself, please do feel free to also talk to us at Ricker about what's on your mind!

Book Artists

Artists' Books Distributors