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Aerospace Engineering Research Resources: Standards & Technical Reports

A guide to finding articles and reference materials for students in the field of Aerospace Engineering.

Engineering Easy Search

Subscription Standards & Technical Reports

Standards are rules, techniques, and conditions for engineering design, industrial practices, units of measurement, terminology, etc. Standards can be mandatory or voluntary. Think of standards as rules for uniformity, size, quality, performance, shape, definition and testing methodology of manufactured products.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign students can access standards purchased by the library through a few online outlets. Print standards can be found on the west wing on the second floor of the Grainger Engineering Library. See Grainger Engineering Library's page on Standards and Technical Reports for more information, or contact a reference librarian for assistance.

Standards & Technical Report Resources

General resources for researching and finding standards and technical reports.

Subject Guide

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Grainger Engineering Library
1301 W. Springfield Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
Subjects: Engineering

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