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Solving the World's Challenges Panel Presentation: 2023 Panel

Virtual Exhibit for the Solving the World's Challenges Funk ACES Library panel presentation

2023: Water

Three experts from across campus will each discuss their work related to water and respond to questions from attendees during the #FunkPanel2023. Their work includes research to improve and maintain water quality by reducing runoff from agricultural systems, long-term monitoring of sediment load and nutrients in Illinois waterways, and research on water decision-support systems within the dynamics of coupled human-natural systems. This hybrid panel presentation on April 11th, 2023 2:30-3:30 p.m. CT will be an opportunity for people to come together with the Funk ACES Library to learn about and discuss water initiatives and research led by members of our campus community.


Book: Safe use of wastewater in agriculture from concept to implementation

Safe use of wastewater in agriculture from concept to implementation


This book offers a broad and global level description of the current status of wastewater use in agriculture and then brings the readers to various places in the MENA Region and Europe to explain how some countries and regions have addressed the challenges during implementation. 

Book: Stream and watershed restoration: a guide to restoring riverine processes and habitats

Stream and watershed restoration: a guide to restoring riverine processes and habitats


This book was born out of the clear need for a comprehensive resource for developing successful stream and watershed restoration plans and projects. It provides a systematic and adaptable approach for planning, prioritizing, implementing, and evaluating restoration at the regional, watershed, reach and project level.

Book: Rainwater tank systems for urban water supply: design, yield, energy, health risks, economics and social perceptions

Rainwater tank systems for urban water supply: design, yield, energy, health risks, economics and social perceptions


The book is suitable for use at undergraduate and post graduate levels and is of particular interest to water professionals across the globe, who are involved in the strategic water planning for a town, city or a region. It is a valuable resource for developers, civil designers, water planners, architects and plumbers seeking to implement sustainable water servicing approaches for residential, industrial and commercial developments.

Book: Hydrohumanities: water discourse and environmental futures

Hydrohumanities: water discourse and environmental futures


This volume exemplifies how interdisciplinary cultural approaches can transform water conservations.

Book: Manual of environmental microbiology

Manual of environmental microbiology


An essential reference for environmental microbiologists, microbial ecologists, and environmental engineers, and those interested in human diseases, water and wastewater treatment, and biotechnology. 

Book: Sustainable water engineering

Sustainable water engineering


Provides a comprehensive analysis of general methodologies, environmental public health microbiology, microbial ecology, and biodegradation and biotransformaiton. Serve as the definitive reference for information on microbes in air, water, and soil and their impact on human health and welfare.

Drawing books

Book: An atlas of Illinois fishes: 150 years of change

An atlas of Illinois fishes: 150 years of change


Scientifically up-to-date and illustrated with over 240 color photos, An atlas of Illinois fishes: 150 years of change is a benchmark in the study of Illinois's ever-changing fish communities and the habitats that support them.

book: In the spirit of wetlands reviving habitat in the Illinois river watershed

In the spirit of wetlands reviving habitat in the Illinois river watershed


Individuals from all walks of life have devoted their time, energy, and money to restoring the state's lost wetlands. Clare Howard and David Zalaznik take readers into the marshes, bogs, waterways, and swamps brought back to life by these wetland pioneers. Howard's storytelling introduces grassroots conservators dedicated to learning through trial and error, persistence, and listening to the lessons taught by wetlands.

Meet our panelists

Dr. Davidson is an Associate Professor in Agricultural and Biological Engineering.

Dr. Davidson is an Associate Professor in Agricultural and Biological Engineering.  He conducts research in the areas of water resources, water quality, and treatment of agricultural wastewater.  More specifically, his work aims to improve our understanding of how contaminants are transported in surface water and through soil, and then develop ways to remove these contaminants.  His work with wastewater treatment includes investigation of physical, biological, and chemical methods in hopes of utilizing the treated wastewater to grow crops in hydroponic systems. 

Laura Keefer holds a B.S. in Geology and M.S. in Geography-Fluvial Geomorphology both from the University of Illinois at U-C.

Laura Keefer holds a B.S. in Geology and M.S. in Geography-Fluvial Geomorphology both from the University of Illinois at U-C. She is also a Certified Professional Hydrologist. Laura has been with the Illinois State Water Survey for over 37 years, is the head of the Watershed Science Section, and the Illinois State Hydrologist. Her research interests cover watershed-scale studies on hydrology, sediment and nutrient transport in Illinois, concentrating on quantifying the effectiveness of best management practices and landscape alterations on sediment and nutrient loading at the watershed scale. Additional interests focus on fluvial geomorphology as related to erosion and sedimentation processes in agricultural landscapes and developed a multi-scale geomorphic assessment protocol to evaluate stream channel stability. She has served on numerous federal, state, local and stakeholder technical committees, published 50 technical research reports and just as many presentations at professional and local conferences and symposiums. 

Dr. Chloe Wardropper is an assistant professor of natural resources policy and social science in the department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at UIUC.

Dr. Chloe Wardropper is an assistant professor of natural resources policy and social science in the department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at UIUC. Before coming to Illinois in 2022, she was an assistant professor at University of Idaho, a postdoctoral fellow with Purdue University and The Nature Conservancy’s reThink Soil Health initiative, and received a PhD in Environmental Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Wardropper studies how, and with what information, people and organizations take actions that affect water quality and quantity in working landscapes. Her work advances knowledge of how trust, risk perception, and public policy design shape decision spaces for conservation and adaptation. 

Library guides about water

Illinois Water Supply Information LibGuide

Illinois Water Supply Information

This guide is intended to help citizens of Illinois find information about Illinois water supplies. It includes information resources from the state and federal government, news sources, and library holdings, including digital collections.

Rain Gardens LibGuide

Rain Gardens

This guide contains various resources about rain gardens. A rain garden is a planted depression that allows rain water runoff to slowly soak into the ground instead of storm drains and surface waters.

Wetlands Research Guide

Wetlands Research Guide

This guide will help users find information about wetlands.

Energy-Water Nexus Research Guide

Energy-Water Nexus Research Guide

Find information on the connection between water and energy

Illinois Waters Bibliography LibGuide

Illinois Waters Bibliography

A directory of documents on Illinois waters


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