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Engineering 198: Recommend

Library information and resources for ENG 198.

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These types of documents aim to make things happen and can be a part of every step in a project/process.

Requests for Proposal (RFPs)

RFPs are used by various organization to receive bids on a specific project.  They are often kept confidential during the bidding process but after a Proposal has been accepted and awarded, parts or all of accepted proposal may be made publicly available. There are often many ethical or conflict of interest rules associated with RFPs. This RFP was posed by a UIUC research group seeking ideas for games, VR, and simulation software for improved community healthcare.


Proposals are documents are submitted in response to the requests for proposals (RFP), defined above. They document a service design, improvement, or ongoing contractual process addressing a specific need outlined in the RFP. Often confidential during the bidding process, after being selected and awarded, parts or all of accepted proposals may be made publicly available.  

For example, you can read about proposed MCORE project to improve the streets of Urbana here.

Recommendation Reports

These reports propose actions to solve a problem. For example, here is a report that recommends changes in education that would result in the inclusion of more women in science and engineering.

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Grainger Engineering Library
1301 W. Springfield Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
Subjects: Engineering

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