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Engineering 198: Control

Library information and resources for ENG 198.

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These types of documents control particular solutions to a problem by strictly defining the work and demonstrating the best practices.  These documents are most often quantitative in nature and extremely precise. 

Specification (spec)

These documents define precise requirements for a particular job. They are also referred to as standards.

You can access information about standards using SAI Global. The Grainger Engineering library houses a number of standards on the west side of the second floor. This collection is in the process of being cataloged.  

Scope of Work

Defines required work to be done, including stages and timelines. Here is an example of the scope of work for the MCORE project to improve Green street on the UIUC campus.

Technical Instructions

These documents explain how to do a standardized procedure. Examples of these types of documents may be found in engineering handbooks

Subject Guide

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Grainger Engineering Library
1301 W. Springfield Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
Subjects: Engineering

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