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Tools for TAPs

Companion LibGuide to Hands-On Tools session at the 2017 Triple Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable Conference.

Energy Analysis by Sector

Manufacturers often rely on energy-intensive technologies and processes. DOE's Advanced Manufacturing Office conducts a range of analyses to explore energy use and trends by sector. Explore some of these tools using the links below.

Lean & Water Guide

The Lean and Water Toolkit describes practical strategies for using Lean manufacturing—the production system developed by Toyota—to reduce water use while improving operational performance. Drawing from the experiences and best practices of multiple industry and government partners, this toolkit explores opportunities to identify and eliminate “water waste,” including:

  • Water losses and leaks
  • Non-value added or inefficient use of water
  • Missed opportunities to reuse water
  • Wastewater discharges
  • Unnecessary water use and risks throughout the supply chain
  • Missed opportunities to address customers’ water-efficiency goals

This toolkit is a supplement to the Lean and Environment Toolkit, which addresses all types of environmental wastes and improvement opportunities.