Terra Blight is a 55-minute documentary produced by Jellyfish Smack Productions exploring America's consumption of computers and the hazardous waste we create in pursuit of the latest technology.
The film traces the life cycle of computers from creation to disposal and juxtaposes the disparate worlds that have computers as their center. From a 13-year-old Ghanaian who smashes obsolete monitors to salvage copper to a 3,000-person video game party in Texas, Terra Blight examines the unseen realities of one of the most ubiquitous toxic wastes on our planet. This documentary examines the intricacies of American consumerism through the story of the computer. It exposes some of the harms of its existence, but it also celebrates the positive changes it has brought to us.
By the film's end, the audience will never look at their computer the same way again.
The DVD of this film should be used for non-commercial educational purposes only. For more information on the film please see http://www.terrablight.com/.
Use the resources below to learn more about the issues surrounding electronic waste.
Below are links to resources to help you purchase, use, and dispose of electronics responsibly.
Please take a few moments to give us feedback on the film. Your input is appreciated so that we can gauge our efforts in public engagement on important issues in Illinois and the world.