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ISTC Sustainability Film Festival 2014

A guide to resources relating to the three films screened during ISTC's Sustainability Film Festival, held from April 22-24, 2014. They are: Living Downstream, Terra Blight, and Waste = Food.

Thanks to the following

The 2014 Sustainability Film Festival was funded in part through a grant from the University of Illinois' Office of Public Engagement to the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC).

Thanks to the Spurlock Museum for the use of the Knight Auditorium for the film screenings.

The following people contributed to this guide:

Laura L. Barnes, Librarian
Prairie Research Institute
E-mail Laura

Joy Scrogum, Emerging Technologies Resource Specialist
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
E-mail Joy

Kirsten Hope Walker, Environmental Education Specialist
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
E-mail Kirsten

The following people participated in the discussions following the screenings of the films on campus:

ISTC is grateful to the panelists who donated their time and expertise to this public outreach event.

Joy Scrogum (see above) served as host and moderator for all three screenings. Joy is also the co-coordinator for ISTC's Sustainable Electronics Initiative (SEI) and can answer questions related to issues dealt with in Terra Blight.

For Living Downstream:

For Terra Blight:

For Waste=Food: