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Social Work 451: HBSE I: Human Development: Find Articles

Guide to library resources for Summer course

Finding Social Work Articles On Human Development

Scholarly journal articles are one of the primary means of communicating research ideas. They are an important component of academic research and give you some insight into ongoing debates and scholarly conversations about your topic. You can find articles through database searches.

Suggested Databases For Your Assignments

Search Tips For Databases

(​You can hover over the "Find Articles" tab for general search tips.)

  • In social work databases (such as Social Services Abstracts or Social Work Abstracts), there is usually no need to include "Social Work" as a search term, since most of the articles come from social work journals.
  • In databases containing articles from other disciplines as well as social work (such as Family and Society Studies Worldwide, PsycINFO, Genderwatch, Ageline, etc.), consider including "Social Work" as a keyword or subject search term, to narrow results to interventions appropriate to social workers (as opposed to psychologists/psychiatrists, doctors, etc).