Welcome to the Music & Performing Arts Library (MPAL) guide to Creating Playlists using subscription streaming resources. This guide is for UIUC faculty, staff, and students and will walk you through how to create and edit shareable playlists for personal and class use through two of our major streaming platforms: Naxos Music Library & Alexander Street Press.
Naxos Music Library (NML) is a music streaming service with complete catalogues or selected recordings of over 800 labels spanning many musical genres with artist and composer information as well as libretti and synopses of over 700 operas. NML supports personal accounts and the UIUC institutional account which can both be used to create playlists with optional password protection.
UIUC faculty and staff can gain access to UIUC's NML institutional account to create shared playlists and folders. These playlists can be shared with your students or embedded in your course Canvas pages.
Note: Playlists and folders created with the institutional login are restricted to University purposes.
Access: If you add a password, your folder will be visible to all UIUC affiliates with the password. If you do not add a password, any UIUC affiliate will be able to view and access the playlist.
Once you set up your account, all UIUC students, faculty, and staff can create private folders to organize music playlists in Naxos!
Note: Private folders and playlists created with your personal account cannot be shared.
Once you've made a folder (either private or shared), you are ready to create playlists! Remember that playlists in private folders cannot be shared.
If you have any trouble following the steps in the preceding tabs or need help managing your playlists and folders in Naxos, check out NML's help documentation and video tutorials linked below.
Alexander Street Press (ASP) is a vendor that provides access to many performing arts streaming databases across genres including Broadway HD, Classical Music Library, Jazz Music Library, and Smithsonian Global Sound, among others.
By creating a personal account, all UIUC students, faculty, and staff can create shareable playlists and set their visibility to personal, class or group use, UIUC-wide, or public. Choose the ASP database you want from the Library's Databases A-Z List and follow the instructions below.
In any Alexander Street Press database, you can create shareable playlists using your personal account. Unlike Naxos Music Library, there is no institutional account, so students, faculty, and staff will all have access to the same functionality using their personal accounts.
Once you've made one or more playlists, you can access them at any time by expanding the menu button at the top left of the page and clicking "playlists" from the banner of options.
To edit and share a playlist:
Alexander Street Press databases also allow you to create custom clips of audio and video content. You can use this feature to create listening tests for your students by selecting the work you're interested in and creating a clip at whatever segment you want.
For more help, refer to Alexander Street Press's documentation (linked below).
If you have trouble following any of the instructions in this guide or need help creating and managing your playlists in ASP databases, check out their help documentation linked below.