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Pollution Prevention 101: Funding and Examples of Successful P2 Grant Projects

Resources for pollution prevention (P2) technical assistance providers. Geared particularly toward those new to the P2 field.

P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool

To support the Agency’s environmental justice (EJ) goals, as well as the Justice40 Initiative in pollution prevention (P2) grant work, EPA developed a mapping tool that allows uses to identify industrial facilities located in or adjacent to communities with EJ concerns.

The P2 EJ Facility Mapping Tool helps prospective P2 grant applicants, grantees and interested stakeholders geographically target facilities in or adjacent to underserved communities within the framework of the P2 program’s five industrial sector-based National Emphasis Areas (NEAs). The tool allows users to identify industrial facilities that may be contributing to pollution levels in a selected area, including communities with environmental justice (EJ) concerns.

The tool includes data from the Toxics Release Inventory, hazardous waste shipment manifests, the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, the Emissions Inventory System, and water discharge monitoring reports.


Current funding opportunities from Environmental News Bits.

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P2 Grant Project Summaries