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Mathematical Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Home

This LibGuide will help you find resources that stretch across the interdisciplinary field of mathematical physics.

What Is Mathematical Physics?

“Mathematical Physics brings together the two great disciplines of Mathematics and Physics to the benefit of both, the relationship between them being symbiotic. On the one hand, it uses mathematics as a tool to organize physical ideas of increasing precision and complexity, and on the other it draws on the questions that physicists pose as a source of inspiration to mathematicians. A classical example of this relationship exists in Einstein’s theory of relativity, where differential geometry played an essential role in the formulation of the physical theory while the problems raised by the ensuing physics have in turn boosted the development of differential geometry.” Françoise, J.-P., Naber, G. L., & Tsou Sheung Tsun. (2006). Preface. In Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (pp. xiv–xv). Academic Press.

You can learn more about mathematical physics at Professor Michael Stone's course pages for PHYS 508: Mathematical Methods I and PHYS 509:  Mathematical Methods II.

Mathematics Library

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Mathematics Library
216 Altgeld Hall
1409 West Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-0258
Subjects: Mathematics

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