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Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable Archive

Portal to resources developed by the Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR).

Spray Efficiency Webinar (March 28, 2019)

Spanish subtitles are available in the video viewer under settings (gear icon) with closed captioning turned on. You can also view the transcript by clicking on the three dots under the video viewer pane and selecting ‘Open transcript’.

Utilizing Public Data to Identify Technical Assistance Targets (March 10, 2016)

Do You Want Your Receipt? How Simple Steps Can Reduce Use of and Occupational Exposure to BPA and BPS in Thermal Receipt Paper (July 28, 2015)

Sifting Through the Internet to Find Pollution Prevention Prevention Information You Can Use (May 18, 2015)

Introduction to the State Electronics Challenge (November 18, 2014)

Greening Libraries: Getting Started (October 28, 2014)

Using EPA's Pollution Prevention Greenhouse Gas and Cost Calculators to Measure Environmental Outcomes (June 18, 2014)

E3 in Agriculture -- Montana's Experience (June 5, 2014)

Using the TRI P2 Data Tool (June 4, 2013)

Beyond Energy Efficiency: Behavior Change Tactics for the Pollution Prevention Community (January 17, 2013)

Pollution Prevention Information: What's Out There and Where to Find It (December 13, 2012)