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University Library


Introduction to Generative AI

This library guide is a UIUC campus resource to read and reference for instructional, professional, and personal learning. Updates will occur on a semester basis. Last Updated: March 2024

About this Guide


A colorful library with books, speakers, and a computer, generated by Adobe FireflyGenerative AI adds new options to pair with existing Library research databases and services but comes with ethical concerns, legal issues, and technological challenges which can introduce errors into the research process and potentially run afoul of class, campus, and other policies. AI technology and guidelines are constantly evolving, so please consult the guidelines provided by your supervisor, instructor, and publishing journals. This guide describes some of these challenges and promotes ways to effectively incorporate generative AI as part of a well-rounded research plan.

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has one of the largest university libraries in the United States, meaning that you have access to millions of trusted primary and secondary source materials. Our subject specialists can assist with your own research, as well as designing research assignments for classes which reflect our growing understanding of best-use practices for Generative AI. 

June 2024 Update: The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's Technology Services department provides a list of approved resources on their Generative AI Resources page. Any application not on their list is not approved and should not be used with University solutions or devices. 

Curious to learn more about AI? 

Last Updated: June 2024


This page was developed by Celenia Graves, Experimental Learning & Engagement Librarian with support from the following contributors:

  • Mary Ton, Digital Humanities, Scholarly Communications & Publishing
  • Evie Cordell, eLearning Librarian, Teaching, Learning, & Academic Support
  • Sara Benson, Copyright Librarian, Scholarly Communications & Publishing
  • Laurel Darling, Graduate Assistant, Grainger Library 
  • Jake Metz, Media Commons Technology Specialist, Scholarly Commons
  • Stu Turner, IDEA Lab Coordinator

This LibGuide was reviewed by the CAPT Library Emerging and Integrated Technologies Coordination (LEITC) and the Generative AI Solutions Hub, formerly the Center of Expertise on Generative AI (GenAI CoE).