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Diversity in the Fire Service: Home

Resources to learn about diversity in the US fire service, historically, currently, and in the future.


Welcome to our guide to diversity in the US fire service.  This guide will walk you through resources about current, historical, and potential future diversity.  As of 2020 only 22.7% of career firefighters were people of color, and only 4.4% were women, according to the NFPA Fire Department Profile.  This guide includes links to books, articles, videos, online resources, inclusivity initiatives, and historical information about diversity in the fire service. If you want to read more about women in the fire service, we have a guide for that too.

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  • The checkout period is 4 weeks.
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  • The checkout period is 6 weeks.
  • IFSI can send materials directly to your local public library through Interlibrary Loan.
  • You must have a public library card.
  • It may take up to two weeks for items to arrive.

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We're happy to help you find any of these items!  Many of our articles don't have call numbers but we can find them for you, just ask.

We are also happy to help you with your research beyond what items appear on this libguide. Contact us via phone or email any time. Our contact information is on the right.

About the IFSI Library

The Illinois Fire Service Institute Library contains books, codes and standards, DVDs, CDs, periodicals, manuals, e-resources, audiobooks, and other fire emergency resources, totaling over 65,000 items. We serve all first responders in the state of Illinois. Materials can be requested in person, by phone or email, or online through our catalog. You can search our catalog by title, author, keyword, subject, or publisher, and choose the formats you want to see. Enter as few or as many search terms as you would like; the more search terms you use the fewer results you'll get, but the results will be more specific. If you live in Illinois and have a public library card, we can send materials to your public library via interlibrary loan. Anyone is also welcome to visit us in person!

A poster from IAFC featuring a design that says "We Serve All - including each other." There is a list of words: "Unbiased Involvement, Inspire, Open-Minded, Acceptance, Versatility, Equality, Leadership, Unity, Service, Together." One letter per words is shaded in to spell out "Be Inclusive". "Be Inclusive" is also printed at the bottom of the poster.A color poster from IAFC containing an acrostic of the word INCLUSIVE: Interested, Not Afraid, Caring & Respectful, Listening, Understanding, Serious, Inspiring, Values, Effective. At the bottom is printed the phrase: "Is this you?"
Both images sourced from 

Molly Williams.
Did you know that the first recorded female firefighter in the United States was Molly Williams, a black enslaved woman in 1818 New York?  Read more about her in the book Molly by Golly, linked in this guide's books and articles page.

IFSI Library Information

Library Hours:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Monday - Friday

Special operating hours may be held during events.

IFSI Library Website


IFSI Library Staff:

Lian Ruan, Head Librarian:

Diane Richardson, Reference & User Training Librarian:

David Ehrenhart, Archivist and Metadata Librarian:

LibGuide created by:

LibGuide created by Jeanni Floyd.