This guide highlights resources that researchers can use to search for data, along with suggesting search strategies. Each tab in this LibGuide focuses on the process of searching for data in different resources.
Data in the Library Catalog
This section explains multiple ways to find data sources in the library catalog. These sources could be physical items or available online.
Easy Search
This section looks specifically at the Easy Search bar on the library's homepage; this search bar will return a wide variety of sources. Some may be available through the UIUC library, while others may be freely available online.
This section addresses the library's A-Z Database list, with special attention to the specific data and statistics databases.
Other LibGuides
Compiled here are a list of useful LibGuides from UIUC libraries. These may be helpful if you are looking for a specific type of data, as these LibGuides are focused on data in specific subjects.
This section includes links to various open-access data repositories which can give you access to even more data sources.
When starting your research process, it is important to have your purpose in mind. Before you start searching, have a good idea of what you are looking for and would like to find. Here are some questions to think about as you search for data resources:
Thinking about these questions before and during your search process will help you decide where and how to search.
The Scholarly Commons can assist with finding data, as well as helping you find tools to analyze it.
The Library's Research Data Service can help you manage your own data or work with data.
This list includes all of the subject specialist librarians. If you have questions about data within a specific discipline, a subject specialist would be a good resource for you. Browse the list to find your discipline and then set up an appointment with them.
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