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United Nations and International Organizations

Resources about the United Nations and other international organizations.


  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
    • The IMF's primary purpose is to ensure the stability of the international monetary system—the system of exchange rates and international payments that enables countries (and their citizens) to transact with each other. The Fund's mandate was updated in 2012 to include all macroeconomic and financial sector issues that bear on global stability. [Taken from IMF website]
  • Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
    • Their goal is to build better policies for social, economic, and environmental issues.
  • World Bank
    • Provides economic and technological assistance to counties and individuals who need it most. Their goal by 2030 is to end extreme poverty. 
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
    • The only organizations that handles the trade relationships between nations across the world. 
  • World Trade Law
    • Offers a free library of current trade news and resources, as well as a subscription service (the DSC Service), which provides summary and analysis of all WTO reports and arbitrations; a current keyword index; a database of dispute settlement tables and statistics; and a user-friendly search tool for WTO cases, legal texts, and other documents. [Taken from WTL website]
  • Federation of International Trade Associations (FITA)
    • Focuses on import and export trade relationships. 
  • International Trade Center (ITC)
    • Provides business information about trade relationships.
  • SICE Foreign Trade Information System
    • Maintains information about trade agreements and  has the history of trade agreements and updates on negotiations. 
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
    • Encourages people to innovate and create and then have their creations protected by law. 
  • World Customs Organization (WCO)
    • While focused on customs, they help to organize over 90% of world trade.