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PEST Databases

PEST Databases

The chart below displays databases with PEST (political, economic, socio-culture, and technological) information that BIS subscribes to annually. PEST is one rubric for country analysis and scanning the environment. This quick start chart provides the broad topics which are available within each database. To access the database desired, click on the database title to take you to the database. If you are off campus, you will be required to type your Illinois Net ID and password first for authentication.

Database Political Economic Socio-cultural Technological Type of Info Supplied Regularity
Business Source Ultimate ✔Structure
✔Political Conditions
✔Spending and Taxation
✔Trade and Exchange Rate
✔Foreign Investment
✔Human Development Index
✔Scholarly Analysis
Annually with occassional updates
EIU ✔Structure
✔Internatonal Relations
✔Exchange rates
✔Technological Readiness
✔Time Series Data
Monthly with daily news
Passport ✔Structure
✔International Relations
✔Natural Resources
✔Consumer Behavior
✔High-tech Goods
✔Internet Users
✔Time Series
Annually with quarterly economic updates
Statista ✔Political Environment
✔Economic Conditions
✔Trade & Investment
✔Consumer Behavior
✔Human Development Index
▪Standard of Living
▪Life Expectancy
✔Digital Infrastructure
▪Internet Penetration
▪Cell Phone Users
✔Country Reports



Provides access to statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries. 

EIU Viewpoint

EIU Viewpoint




The results will show a profile of the country. You may search through the tabs at the top of the profile or go to the REPORTS tab, and click 'Generate Country Reports'.


DHL Global Connectedness Index

Developed by Steven Altman and Philip Bastian of NYU's Stern School of Business, the DHL Global Connectedness Index (CGI) aims to provide a comprehensive account of world's top 140 countries' connections in terms of cross-border trade, capital, information (telecommunications, publications, Internet), people (immigrants, students, tourism)  and stocks accumulated through 2020.  These countries encompass the world's GDP (99%) and population (95%).

The Index of rankings is contained in a lengthy 250 page report, chock-full of insights gathered from various data sources, such as the United Nations, IMF, World Economic Forum, Heritage Freedom Index, Euromonitor,, and Henley & Partners Visa Restrictions Index.   Starting on page 86 are the country profiles, organized alphabetically.  

A sample country profile and how to examine it is supplied below. 


This index differs in that it does not have a political bias, unlike the Heritage Foundations' Index of Economic Freedom, published by a well-known US conservative think-tank (but considered an important barometer). The report utilizes many authoritative data sources. 

Note: the study was funded by a logistics company, DHL. 






Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index

FDI Confidence Index

Regular survey of CEOs, CFOs, and other top executives of Global 1000 companies, performed by AT Kearney, a global management consulting firm.  The report, which focuses on expectations regarding international investment, is available for free and can be downloaded as a PDF.

Below is a chart of the top ranked countries. 


Previous years' rankings:





IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook

Index of Economic Freedom

Index of Economic Freedom

The Index of Economic Freedom covers 10 specific freedoms such as trade freedom, business freedom, investment freedom, and property rights in 184 countries.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Country Reports

IMF Country Reports

Reports and statistics about a country's economic conditions, developments and issues. Provides articles, news announcements, and analyses published by IMF staff.

KOF Index of Globalization

KOF Index of Globalization

Measures economic, social, and political aspects of globalization and provides an overall globalization index with sub-topics. Data are available on a yearly basis for 208 countries. is a free, open access resource that measures the social and environmental aspects of progress for individual countries. Their interface allows you to compare countries in categories like basic human needs, foundations of wellbeing, and opportunity.