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A guide to tools and resources on the topic of Aging

Assisted Living & Caregiving

Consumer Consortium on Assisted Living
CCAL is a non-profit national consumer advocacy and education organization whose mission is to raise awareness about and advocate for the widespread implementation of person-centered living principles, policies, and practices in home and community-based (HCB) supports and services for elders and individuals with disabilities living at home, in the community or in assisted living.


Assisted Senior Living
One of the most comprehensive and unbiased directories of senior care options, assisted Senior Living is not like any of the other senior housing sites on the web. Assisted Senior Living was created by caregivers, for caregivers. Information is gathered from state and federal sources, then combined with public information to provide one of the most complete resources for seniors and caregivers (new senior care services are also welcome to create a free listing).

Organizations and Associations

National Rehabilitation Information Center

The National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) is the library of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR.). This library collects, catalogs, and disseminates the articles, reports, curricula, guides, and other publications and products of the research projects funded by NIDRR. NIDRR funds more than 250 projects each year that conduct research on a wide range of issues including technology, health and function, independent living, and capacity building.


Benefits Checkup

BenefitsCheckUp is free service of the National Council on Aging (NCOA), a nonprofit service and advocacy organization in Washington, DC.

Many adults over 55 need help paying for prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other basic needs. There are over 2,000 federal, state and private benefits programs available to help. But many people don’t know these programs exist or how they can apply.

BenefitsCheckUp asks a series of questions to help identify benefits that could save you money and cover the costs of everyday expenses.

After answering the questions, you will get a report created just for you that describes the programs you may get help from. You can apply for many of the programs online or you can print an application form.