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Portuguese Language: A Guide: Learn via Media

Brazilian Television Online

Some Brazilian television networks post clips, full episodes or a live stream online (ao vivo), in addition to information about their programming.

Streaming Radio Online

Listen to Brazilian radio streaming live online.

Portuguese-language Movies

The Library's Media Collection, located on the 5th floor of the Main Stacks, has a collection of Brazilian feature films, documentaries, and other types of film for patrons to check out on DVD. 

Search the  Primo Library Catalog by subject for:

Feature films Brazil (or Portugal)

Motion pictures, Brazilian (or Portugal) 

Documentary films Brazil (or Portugal) 

Then narrow your results to only include Film/Video.


Check out the Brazilian Cinema Libguide for resources studying Brazilian films. 

Brazilian Magazines & Newspapers

Find magazines and newspapers from Brazil at our Brazilian Culture: Magazines & Newspapers LibGuide.

Other Portuguese News Sources from Around the World

Notícias Lusófonas - Online news source that covers various Lusophone countries from Brazil to East Timor.

O Açoriano Oriental - A daily newspaper published in the Azores Islands.

Diário de Notícias - Daily newspaper based in Lisbon, Portugal.

Timor Digital - Online news site from East Timor.

Jornal de Angola - Daily national Lusophone newspaper from Angola.

A Semana - A newspaper from Cape Verde. 

Jornal de São Tomé - National newspaper from São Tomé in Portuguese.

Hoje Macau - Online newspaper from Macau (a Lusophone administrative region of China).