Europeana is a single access point to millions of books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitized throughout Europe. It is an authoritative source of information coming from European cultural and scientific institution
La Biblioteca Digital Mexicana
A database all in Spanish with various documents. Nicely organized by period, theme or type.
Latin America
For an extensive list of online sites for Latin American Literature, visit Literature in Latin America — LANIC
For more go to:
@QueLeer: Based in Venezuela, this user with 196,000 followers retweets stories from various sources.
@cult_digital: The Twitter feed of the cultural pages of the Argentine left-leaning newspaper Pagina 12.
@ficcionbreve: A feed dedicated to promoting news about Venezuelan literature.
@revistaenie: Revista Ñ, the cultural magazine of the Buenos Aires newspaper Clarín. It specializes in book reviews, author interviews and feature stories.
@javiercelaya: Publishing consultant, CEO and founder of Dosdoce
@xpectro: Twitter handle of Pablo Arrieta, Bogota-based blue sky thinker on digital publishing issues
@canalL: An author video-interview site based in Barcelona.
@Gatopardocom: The excellent Mexican cultural magazine specialized in contemporary Latin-American journalism and narrative.
@serienegra: Based in Spain, specializes in contemporary noir fiction
@babelia_elpais: The feed of one of the Spanish language’s most important weekly cultural magazines, published by El País of Madrid.
@casamerica: The Spanish institution Casa de America, a central clearinghouse of cultural debate in iberoamerica.
@hipermedula: Based in Spain, this site is on the cutting edge of contemporary art and culture.
@JuanVilloro56: The personal Twitter account of Juan Villoro, one of Mexico’s most prestigious journalists and writers.
@bmvcervantes: The Cervantes Digital Library. Its goal is to promote Spanish literary culture, past and present.
@Planetadelibros: Book and trade news magazine, based in Madrid.
@FCEMexico: Fondo Cultura Económica, one of the most prestigious publishing houses in Latin America.
@cvc_cervantes: The international Cervantes Cultural Center, based in Madrid.
Papel en Blanco--Nadando en libros, cómics y todo el mundo de las letras.
ADN Cultura--The cultural pages of the Buenas Aires' daily La Nacion
Revista Ñ--the cultural magazine of the Buenos Aires newspaper Clarín. It specializes in book reviews, author interviews and feature stories.
GatoPardo--Online magazine with literature and film reviews
La Jiribilla: Revista de Cultura Cubana--an online cultural magazine from Havana, Cuba
Replicante--an online Mexican literary magazine
Carátula--an online newspaper dedicated to the Centroamerican culutre
ABC_Libros--The book section of the Spanish daily ABC.
EL Boomerang--A site for literary blogs from Latin America and Spain
DesEquiLIBROS--Desequilibros is a forum for free expression about all literary forms as well as other art forms that can be displayed by digital media without losing its essence. It is a vehicle for connecting literary and artistic works and creators with viewers and readers.
DosDoce--a site about the nexus of cultural production and new technologies
Planeta de Libros--An online site from the Spanish publisher and distributor Planeta
Revista Serie Negra--An online magazine dedicated to novela negra and cine negra
Vanguardia's Revista de Libros--A literary supplement from one of Barcelona's major newspapers
More literary magazines
For more literary magazines, go to Agencia Noticias Literarias