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Spanish Language: A Learner's Guide: Reading Skills


Readers offer mini-lessons in grammar and vocabulary before and after each reading and thus are a great way to improve reading skills. The Literatures and Languages Library has a collection. Here are some selections.

Books by Mira Canion

Fiesta Fatal

Agentes secretos y el mural de Picasso

La France en danger et les secrets de Picasso

El escape Cubano


Latin American Magazines

Latin America

LANIC's Online Magazines

Medio Latinos' Online Magazines

Zona Latina's Online Magazines



Muy interesante--an online magazine covering a wide range of topics

Revista Fusion--an online magazine covering a wide range of topics

Revista Iberica--an online magazine covering a wide range of topics

Vanidades--a women's magazine from Spain

Online Newspapers and Internet News Gateways

Latin America

Online -- Thousands of newspapers that can be searched by country or region.  

LANIC's Online Newspapers -- This page contains many websites highlighting news and newspapers from different Latin places that are still being up to date, even though the page is not. 

Zona Latina's Newspapers


Periódicos españoles digitales -- Access to many different types of digitized Spanish periodicals. 

Select Examples of Spanish Newspapers

El Confidencial--General information with a focus on politics and finances; its political affiliation is moderate-conservative.

El País -- As one of the most prestigious Spanish newspapers, it is known for its national and international political information. There will also be articles on the economy, culture and other social aspects.

20 minutos -- Widely read free newspaper in Spain, with each province publishing its own version. General information is given in a concise and clear way.