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Spanish Language: A Learner's Guide: Listening Skills

Open Access Audio Books

Hola Viajeros -- Audio books in simplified and slow Spanish

Libri Vox -- Public domain books from the US that are available to download. There are many different languages available, not just Spanish. 

AlbaLearning -- This website also has the books in files you can download to read along as you listen. It also includes learning tools to help you learn Spanish. 

Online Books for Listening at the UIUC Library


Destinos -- These videos teach speaking, listening and skills to understand Spanish through the telenovela or Spanish soap opera. There are dialects from Mexico, Spain, Argentina, and Puerto Rico that allows the listener to learn of the different Hispanic cultures. The videos are closed captioned in Spanish. 

Spanish Podcasts

To listen to or subscribe to a podcast, you can use these individual websites, or you might find it easier to search in the iTunes music store. 

Beginning Spanish:

Coffeebreak Spanish -- Basic Spanish Lessons

Show Time Spanish -- From the creators of Coffeebreak Spanish comes this podcast that helps develop the skill to use Spanish in real life situations 

Intermediate and Advanced:

Notes in Spanish -- Conversational Spanish from Spain for learners at all levels. The podcasts are free but the written guides are available only through purchase.

Radio Ambulante-- A podcast that has Latin American stories told from all Spanish speaking countries, including the United States.

Slow News in Spanish --In this podcast native speakers discuss the “Weekly News, Spanish grammar, and Spanish expressions, and much more in simplified Spanish at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence.”

Spanish Podcasts --An excellent site with free written guides.

En Rumbo -- Free audio files from the Open U intermediate Spanish course. They cover a large range of material, and have transcripts available as well. 

Spanish-Language Movies at the UIUC Library

The University Library has a large collection of Spanish-language films. To find them, use the Library Catalog's Advanced Search and search by Subject with one of the Subject Headings below. If you are looking for a particular film, you can search by movie title.

Feature Films: Spain

Feature Films: Mexico

Spanish Films

Mexican Films

For resources on the study of Spanish-language films, go to the Cinema Studies Libguide.


Zona Latina--Links to Latin American TV on the left side of the page

Radio Televisión Española-- Numerous programs and full episodes available for viewing online

Difusiones de la Televisión en Español--Links to major Spanish-speaking TV stations

Streema-Spain--Free online TV tuner; with access to each of Spain's 'Comunidades Autónomas' (see under 'States')<--Independent guide to streaming media available on the web.