Another great place to look for literary fiction is in publishing websites. Below are some of the ones you could explore:
- Catapult
- Rose Metal Press
- Founded in 2006, Rose Metal Press is a not-for-profit publisher specializing in the publication of flash fiction and nonfiction; prose poetry; novels-in-verse or book-length linked narrative poems; novellas-in-flash; lyric essays; text and image works; and other literary works that move beyond the traditional genres of poetry, fiction, and essay to find new forms of expression.
- 2Leaf Press
- "2Leaf Press challenges the status quo by publishing alternative fiction, non‐fiction, poetry and bilingual works by activists, academics, poets and authors. We are especially dedicated to publishing scholarship regarding diversity and social justice that is accessible to the general public."
- 39 West Press
- "39 West Press is an independent book publisher committed to releasing books that encourage critical thinking and promote constructive discourse on key social, cultural, political, and economic issues affecting life in the U.S. "
- They publish "publish books of art, poetry, literary fiction, and creative non-fiction."
- Seven Stories Press
- "Whether political or literary or both together, Seven Stories is as well known for publishing on human rights, social and economic justice, and media as for its prize-winning American fiction, literature in translation, and poetry collections."
- They publish books in English and other languages- "as much as 25% of our list in any given season may be works in translation from the French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Arabic, Russian, Swedish, Polish, Korean, or Vietnamese among other languages."
- Crown Publishing Group
- A subsidiary of Random House, they publish fiction, non-fiction, biography, autobiography/memoir, cooking, health, business, and lifestyle.
- They also have readers guides!
- Chicago Review Press
- They publish an assortment of different books, both nonfiction and fiction and for both adults and children.
- Platypus Press
- A boutique press based in England that publishes "innovative contemporary poetry and prose from a broad variety of voices and experiences.
- There's great mini-chapbooks of poetry free to download and read/print!
- "Our books cover a wide range of themes, styles, and genres. We have published poetry, fiction, essays, memoir, biography, titles of Jewish and Middle Eastern interest, women's studies, American Indian folklore, and revived classics, as well as a notable selection of works in translation."
- "The aim of the press is to publish works that endure by meeting high standards of literary merit and relevance."
- BlazeVOX
- Their books "push at the frontiers of what is possible with our innovative poetry, fiction and select non-fiction and literary criticism."
- Their "outlets of publication strive to enrich cultural and intellectual life, and foster regional pride and accomplishments."
If you would like to explore more, the Poet's and Writer's Small Presses page is an excellent starting place (and where a few of the links above came from!)