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University Library


Cited Reference Searching

This guide shows users how to view how many times a publication has been cited–sometimes called citation analysis–using tools like Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar.

Other Databases

Certain disciplines, journals, and document types may not be well represented in the more traditional citation counting resources. Some databases that also provide citation counts include

Citation Management Tools

As you go through each database, you'll likely want some way to keep track of the different citations you find. Citation managers can help you do this.

Citation management tools allow you to:

  • Collect lists of articles, books, webpages (and lots more) for use in research.
  • Format and create bibliographies using a particular citation style, to export into a research document.
  • Link to and store source materials.
  • Insert in-text citations and bibliography entries while writing in Microsoft Word.
  • Collaborate with others.

See the Citation Management Software Overview guide for more information.