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University Library


The Hungarian Revolution of 1956: Sources at the University of Illinois Library and Beyond: Other Print Sources

Prepared for the REEEC conference "New Directions in Scholarship on the 1956 Hungarian Revolution: Memory and Transnational Impact, 60 Years After", U of I, October 21st, 2016

The view from the Soviet Union...

Emigre Analysis and Commentary

In 1956 a Russian emigre in Munich published a pamphlet called The Rising Wave, linking events in Hungary to anti-Soviet activity in Poznan, East Berlin, and Tbilisi, as well as the prisoner uprisings in the Soviet gulag at Kengir and Vorkuta.  The pamphlet has now been digitized by the University of Illinois Library.

The West tries to catch up with events...

An excerpt from Intercontinental Press Service's 1957 Leading personalities in Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania): a desk reference for editors and journalists (UIUC call number Main Stacks Q.920.04 In8l).

Bad timing...or maybe good

The First Russian Revolution (e.g., of 1905-1907) and the Hungarian labor movement, published in 1956 on the occasion of that revolution's 50th anniversary

...and from elsewhere

Thoughts on 1956 and its significance for the international workers' movement by the "dean of Mexican Marxists."

Primary sources