Boolean searching refers to a search technique that uses tools called operators and modifiers to limit, widen, and refine your search results.
Boolean Searching: A search technique that uses Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT) to limit or widen your search.
Boolean operators define the relationship between your search terms, allowing you to refine and focus your results.
Limit and Refine
We see that the NOT operator yields the least results and allows us to search more specifically.
Widen and Expand
We see that the OR operator actually yields the most results and makes our search much broader.
You can also use synonyms or alternate spellings to expand your search. Trial and error is the best way to get results that work for you and your research.
Boolean Modifiers can further expand, refine, and improve a search. Boolean modifiers include the asterisk, *, (also known as truncation/wildcard searching), (parentheses), and "quotation marks."
Limit and Refine