This documentary tells the story of James Chasse who struggled with schizophrenia and his death at the hands of police officers, exposing a city grappling with the death of an innocent, unarmed man.
This documentary is the only film about a person with schizophrenia that was made by a person with schizophrenia. John Cadigan films his life as an artist and a person with schizophrenia which allows audiences to view mental illness from the inside out.
Filmmaker Jonathan Caouette's documentary on growing up with his schizophrenic mother -- a mixture of snapshots, Super-8 film, answering machine messages, video diaries, early short films, and more - culled from nineteen years of his life.
Nathaniel Ayers is a talented musician. He has schizophrenia and lives on the streets. A Los Angeles Times columnist meets Ayers and their lives both change due to their friendship.
Peter Greene portrays a young man who'd been instatutionalised. Now outside, he's desperately trying to find a way to both function in the world, and to search for his young daughter, who he had before being hospitalised, and had only seen as an infant.
Please note that these films do not necessarily portray the experience of any or all individuals who have schizophrenia.