Online literature databases covering natural history. You can filter the list by the type of content or vendor, or search for a specific database by name. Selected databases from the list are linked below. Also see databases for agriculture, biology, and environmental science.
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries AbstractsThis link opens in a new windowExtensive coverage of scholarly and technical literature on marine, freshwater, and brackish water organisms and environments, with deep indexing of charts, figures, graphs, maps, photographs, and tables.
Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS)This link opens in a new windowIndexes life sciences research journals published worldwide.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowScopus is the largest abstract and citation database including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications and quality web sources. Subject coverage includes: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering; Life and Health Sciences; Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics; Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Web of Science (Core Collection)This link opens in a new windowIndexes core journals, conference proceedings, books, and data sets across disciplines.
Web of Science (All Databases Search)This link opens in a new windowEasily search across all subscribed Web of Science databases simultaneously using a common set of search fields for the most comprehensive results. Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets, and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Wildlife & Ecology Studies WorldwideThis link opens in a new windowLiterature from ~1935 to date on wild mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, covering habitats, hunting, economics, behavior, management techniques, diseases, etc.
Zoological RecordThis link opens in a new windowThe oldest continuing database of animal biology. It is considered the world's leading taxonomic reference, and with coverage back to 1864, has long acted as the world's unofficial register of animal names.
Most journals and databases offer search alerts (both by RSS and by email). You can follow a specific journal or receive alerts of articles on a topic regardless of journal.