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PubMed: Search Results

A guide to using the PubMed database.

Find Full-Text

Full-text linking options (when available) are accessible in Abstract display; click on an article title to see its full record, including available full-text links. Many records in PubMed include a link to the publisher's website, which may take you to the full text.

Click the blue "discover full text" button for more complete retrieval options. This button provides access to the electronic full text of the article (when available); checks for the print journal copy in the UIUC online library catalog (where the article can be found with the citation details such as date, vol/issue, page numbers, etc.); and allows UIUC students, faculty, and staff to request articles that UIUC does not own.

Search History

PubMed searches will be tracked and numbered on the Advanced search page. Clicking on the numbered link provides a menu which has the options of combining searches into a new search using Boolean operators. The search may also be run, deleted, examined in detail, or saved to your My NCBI account. History will be lost after 8 hours of inactivity.

Other Features

From the search results list or the citation abstract view, mark the check boxes of citation(s)of interest. Then click the "send to" drop-down box in the top right to save citations to a file, collections, or citation manager. From "send to," you can also copy to your clipboard, email the citation, or save to My Bibliography.