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University Library


Information Sciences 503: History of Children's Literature--Media Search and Use Guide: Notable Digital Collections

Information related to finding and using media for the digital publishing assignment for IS503.

Guides to More Digital Collections

The following guides provide more information about digital collections you may want to browse besides those listed here:

These collections are likely to be of interest for the history of children's literature and may provide useful media for integration into Scalar. If you find something useful, be sure to look for license information and collect any details you need for giving credit or obtaining permission.

General Collections

These collections may all have images or other media, or simply pdfs or other full text of historical works you want to use.

Children's Literature Collections

These resources focus on children's literature specifically.

Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library

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Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library
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Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
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