These books and resources are helpful tools for jumpstarting your dissertation. The Graduate College and the Writer's Workshop also offers useful resources and information. And you can always ask a librarian for help!
Have writer’s block? This website will help you write on a daily basis in a structured way. Even if you’re not writing about your dissertation, the routine of getting words on a page every day will help your academic writing.
This is a chapter on scholarly communication from Hacking the Academy, a book “crowdsourced” in one week by contributors from around the world. It touches on many emerging issues in the field of scholarly publishing, and asks some hard questions about the changing nature of published research. See especially Tanya Roth's piece on "Hacking the Dissertation Process"
This is a social media-heavy site that focuses on providing insight into the publishing world for post-docs, with special focus on new digital, open source and interactive forms of publishing.
A discussion and support forum for those who are trying to finish a dissertation. Answers provided by those who have PHinishD their dissertation (get it?).