Cellular Neuroscience
Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience
Computational Neuroscience
Basic clinical neuroscience
Paul A. Young, Paul H. Young, Daniel L. Tolbert., 2nd edition, 2008
611.8 Y841b2008 - Location: SSHEL Stacks
Fundamentals of computational neuroscience
Thomas P. Trappenberg. Oxford ; Oxford University Press, 2002
73.80113 T689f - Location: ACES
Neuroanatomy through clinical cases
Hal Blumenfeld. Sunderland, Mass. : Sinauer, 2002
616.80475 B626n - Location: SSHEL Stacks
Principles of neural science
edited by Eric R. Kandel., New York: McGraw-Hill Medical, 5th ed. 2013
Q.599.0188 P9352013 - Engineering
Theoretical neuroscience: computational and mathematical modeling of neural systems
Peter Dayan, 2001.
573.80113 D344t - Location: ACES
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