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Banned Books - Rodems: Steps 1-3: Finding Banned Books

Finding Classics Facing Bans & Challenges

Finding Modern Books Facing Bans & Challenges

E-Resources About Challenged Books

To access the following e-books, follow the link for "Online Access." You will need your Net-ID and Net-ID password. Each chapter is dedicated to an author, subdivided into the books that have been challenged by that author. First, click on View this eBook. Use the Contents tab in the left toolbar to jump to a particular section. Use the Next and Previous buttons at the top of the page to flip the e-book page.

The Literature Suppressed series

Volume 1: Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds
Volume 2: Literature Suppressed on Religious Grounds
Volume 3: Literature Suppressed on Sexual Grounds
Volume 4: Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds

These links lead to the updated electronic versions of the texts. Each volume in this series is organized alphabetically by title of the book banned. Check the index for author names, book titles, or places where banning occurs (states, cities, libraries).