Under Chapter 520, Wildlife, the act was passed in 1972 and establishes the Endangered Species Protection Board (9 persons appointed by the governor plus the director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources) and charges the board with producing and maintaining the "Illinois List" of protected species. Note that the Illinois law predates the federal law.
Produced in 2012, this document presents a review of the history and performance of the Act’s provisions to comprehensively quantify accomplishments and challenges relative to how well the Board has met its mission over the course of four decades: to protect those species of plants and animals native to Illinois which are in danger of being lost from the wild in the state.
The nine governor-appointed member board responsible for maintaining the list of Illinois threatened and endangered species. The Director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (also an appointee of the Governor) serves as a 10th non-voting member.
The Endangered Species Act was first passed as Public Law 93–205, Dec.28, 1973. It is found in the United States Code under Title 16: Conservation.
The states are a key component of the Federal strategy for the protection of endangered species. A section of the law outlines cooperation with states, including allocation of funds to states for the management of threatened and endangered species.
A lead agency in the implementation of the Endangered Species Act, the USFWS administers the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund, permitting process, and maintains the federal list of threatened and endangered species.
The EPA Endangered Species Protection Program was established in 1988 to meet obligations under the Endangered Species Act. A primary focus of the program is pesticide use.
The U.S. Department of the Interior maintains a searchable library of policies, procedures and programs. This link retrieves entries relating to endangered species
The product of a UN treaty, CMS provides a global platform for the conservation and sustainable use of migratory animals and their habitats. CMS lays the legal foundation for internationally coordinated conservation measures throughout a migratory range, and produces many conservation-related reports and publications.
"The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides information for policy and action to conserve the living world." Their programs concentrate on species, forests, protected areas, marines, mountains, and freshwaters, among other subjects.