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Museum Studies & Curatorial Practice: Home

Print and online resources for museum studies and career paths

Ricker Library

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Ricker Library of Architecture & Art
208 Architecture Building
608 East Lorado Taft Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-0224
Subjects: Art & Architecture

About This Guide

This guide is meant to help patrons find general information on museum practices. 

For information on a specific museum, enter the name of that museum in the Library's online catalog as a subject.  For example, "Art Institute of Chicago."

For information on art museums in a particular country or region, search "art museums" as a subject in the online catalog and consult the sub-headings as needed.  For example, "Art Museums--France."

You will also find specific information on selected Midwestern Art Museums in our Libguide of that name.