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University Library


Haunted Libraries

Use this guide to learn more about haunted library lore at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and in Illinois, the United States, and the World.


Haunted Libraries are a staple in ghostly lore, especially since the movie Ghostbusters (1984) showed a ghost librarian morph into a terrifying apparition.  Library ghost lore is quite diverse.  Ghosts seem to haunt libraries for different reasons.  Some ghosts appear to be place bound and tied to buildings or land that the library now inhabits.  Others seem to simply enjoy the books or library work.  Peruse this guide to learn more about haunted library lore at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and in Illinois, the United States, and the World.

Haunted Library Experiences

Have you ever had a paranormal experience in a library?

Haunted Library Experiences
Yes: 74 votes (57.81%)
No: 39 votes (30.47%)
Maybe: 15 votes (11.72%)
Total Votes: 128

Paranormal Investigators

Many libraries contact professional paranormal investegators to look into odd occurances at their libraries.  Learn more about professional paranormal associations and conferences below.