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University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CWL/MACS 207: Indian Cinema in Context: Film & Television Literature Index

A guide to library resources for students enrolled in CWL/MACS 207: Indian Cinema in Context

Quick Tips

To save or cite articles found in the Film & Television Literature Index database, use the tools providied on the right side of the article record.

To save articles for later access, it is recommended that you either email the article to yourself or save the article to your computer or a USB drive.

You can also click on the "Cite" option to get the citation or the article in the style of your choice, including MLA style.

If there are mulitple articles you'd like to save you can add them to a folder and then save or email the entire folder.

Film & Television Literature Index

Film & Television Literature Index provides indexing and abstracts for more than 380 publications as well as full text for more than 120 journals. In addition, Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text includes Variety movie reviews from 1914 to present and over 36,300 images from the MPTV Image Archive.

Subject coverage includes film & television theory, preservation & restoration, screenwriting, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews.

For this project, you will want to use the options on the home page to limit by publication date as well as select "Periodical" as the publication type.

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