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Hazmat Resources: NIOSH Pocket Guide

Chemical Indexes

NPG provides several indexes so users can find chemical data using the chemical's name, CAS number, or RTECS number.

All indexes provided in the NIOSH Pocket Guide link to the same data sheet of information for a given chemical. For example, whelther "Ethyl ether," CAS No. 60-29-7 or RTECS No. KI5775000 is selected in a particular index, the same data sheet and information will be presented in each chemical.

About NIOSH Pocket Guide

The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Hazardous Chemicals (NPG) is intended as a source of general industrial hygiene information. The information found in the NPG should help users recognize and control occupational chemical hazards.

The NPG Introduction includes the background of the guide's creation, data collection and application methods, NIOSH recommendations, instructions on how to use the NPG, and explanations of section headings, abbreviations and codes used in the guide.

Additional features of the NPG include

  • Search box
  • Index of chemical names, synonyms, and trade names
  • Index of Chemical Abstracts Service Registry numbers (CAS No.)
  • Index of RTECS numbers
  • Several appendices with personal protection and sanitation codes, first aid procedures and other supplementary information

Notice: NPG does not contain an analysis of all pertinent data, rather it presents key information and data in abbreviated or tabular form for chemicals or substance groupings (e.g. cyanides, fluorides, manganese compounds) that are found in the work environment.

Search Box

The search box enables users to search the NPG site using a few descriptive words. A search tips section accompanies the "Search the Pocket Guide" page and is handing for users wanting to maximize their search results.  This section also provides a link to a CDC search tips page for more advanced search techniques.

Data Sheets

Each chemical description comes with a data sheet providing additional information. These sheets include, but are by no means limited to, the substance's chemical name, synonyms and trade names, registry numbers, formulas, incompatibilities and reactivities, personal protection/sanitation guidelines, exposure routes and symptoms, and first aid.


NIOSH Pocket Book can be downloaded from the main page for computer and some mobile devices. Download information and restrictions are available under the "Download the Pocket Guide" section.