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University Library


EndNote: Sharing

An overview of EndNote bibliographic management software with detailed information on getting started and customizing your software.

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Are you working on a paper with a group? Follow these instructions in EndNote to share your references.

Sharing Documents

Share a Word document as is:

When you create a document in Word using EndNote, the document should have all the information anyone else (even someone without EndNote) would need. This is because EndNote makes a “Traveling Library”, automatically, that is part of the Document.  Or, you might want to share the document with the hidden codes removed – see “Citing While Writing".

Share a Word document and so that the references are still edit-able. 

  1. Both users will need to have EndNote.
  2. To maintain integrity, you should send the whole supporting EndNote library along with the Word document.  To do this, you will want to compress the library:
    1. Click on the File tab at the top, select Compressed Library, and choose Create (or Create & Email)
    2. Choose to Send with or without attachments (the pdfs, figures, etc.)
    3. Choose to Send All the References in the Library
    4. Click on Next, and save the .enlx file with your other EndNote libraries
    5. Send the .enlx file along with the Word document to your colleague.
  3. Within EndNote, the recipient should open the .enlx file.  They should:
  4. Move or copy the .enlx file to their EndNote Library folder
    1. Open the .enlx library just as they would any other library
    2. Click on the File Tab, and click Open. They can then add records to the library (and document).
  5. When finished editing, the recipient will need to compress the library and send it back to you.

It is very important to maintain the record numbers in libraries.  If the recipient has added some records to the library, you must add these records to their library in the same order (or just accept the whole library sent by the recipient, replacing your original library).  One way to just add the new records:

  1. Edit the Display fields so you can see the Record Number Field and sort by Record number:
  2. Click on the Edit tab, hover over Preferences, and click on Display Fields. For Column 8, define it to show Record Number and click OK
  3. Back in the Library, click on the top of the Record Number Column to sort. 
  4.  Drag the new citations over to your original library.