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EndNote: Introduction

An overview of EndNote bibliographic management software with detailed information on getting started and customizing your software.

What is EndNote?

EndNote is software that allows you to keep track of your citations, organize them into folders, and create references and bibliographies in your papers.

You can:

  • Create your own searchable library of citations, often with links to full text or pdfs of articles
  • Search library databases (including the library catalog) from within EndNote, and import citations
  • Or search directly within the databases and export the citations you want
  • Use EndNote to easily format references and bibliographies in your papers to conform to styles used by hundreds of different journals

EndNote is similar to Mendeley and Zotero, but has some unique functionality such as pulling in PDFs en masse, and searching databases from within the EndNote platform.

Unlike these web-based applications, EndNote is not free, though it is available through the University at a subsidized rate and requires download and installation. You can download a 30-day trial version from the Endnote website, or purchase it in the following ways:

Click here for a graphic that provides a quick comparison of these citation management systems.

How to Use EndNote 20 in 7 Minutes-Windows

How to Use EndNote 20 in 7 Minutes-Mac

Kelli Trei, Biosciences Librarian

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Biology Librarian
Biosciences Librarian: Kelli Trei, Liaison to the Schools of Life Sciences in LAS: Molecular & Cellular Biology, Integrative Biology, and the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

218 Funk ACES Library
1101 S. Goodwin Ave., M/C 633
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 244-2503
Subjects: Biology