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HIST 520: Cold War: Culture, Power, and Diplomacy: Home

A course guide


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Course Description

This course explores the little-studied intersection between culture and politics in China and Hong Kong in the rapidly changing contexts of Cold War diplomacy. It is not our aim to try to answer all questions but to question some conventional answers surrounding the questions of what was the role of the Cold War in the developments of China and Hong Kong and their relations with the U.S, and how did the Cold War politics and Superpower diplomacy come to shape the cultures of the region.

Course Assigned Readings

Kenneth Osgood, Total Cold War (University Press of Kentucky, 2006)

James Lilley, China Hands (Public Affairs, 2004)

Henry Kissinger, On China (Penguin Press, 2011)

Jian Chen, Mao’s China and the Cold War (University of North Carolina, 2006) 

Tony Shaw et al, Cinematic Cold War (University Press of Kentucky, 2010)

Poshek Fu, China Forever (University of Illinois Press, 2008)