FONSI stands for "Finding of No Significant Impact." Not all projects require a formal EIS, there may be only a brief Environmental Assessment with a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). See Background tab for information on various levels of environmental analysis required by NEPA.
Where and how to Search
When searching for FONSIs in databases and library catalogs, include the phrase "finding of no significant impact" in your search.
NOTE: Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSIs) are not included in the EPA's EIS Database.
Indexes technical government documents, including some FONSIss and related documents. Include the phrase "finding of no significant impact" in your search.
A University Library licensed resource.
"An interagency initiative of 16 U.S. government science organizations within 12 Federal Agencies." Content is not limited to Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), but contains thousands of records for Draft and Final EISs as well as Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSIs). Includes online full text for many documents. Covers 1970 (the year NEPA was signed into law) to date. Offers browsable "clusters" within your search results to allow you to explore and narrow your search.