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University Library


History 573A: Immigration, Race, and Class in the 20th Century United States

A course guide.

1. Catalogs of Digital Resources

2. Miscellaneous Web Resources

Unrestricted access

HathiTrust Digital Library (consortium of libraries pooling digitized resources)
Illinois Harvest
Internet Archive (books, periodicals, and films)
Harvard's Open Collections
Women Working, 1800-1930
Immigration to the U.S., 1789-1930
Ad*Access (more than 7,000 ads published 1911-1955)
Sheet Music Consortium  (sheet music on the web from UCLA, Indiana University, Duke University, Johns Hopkins University)
Sheet Music Collection at UIUC (searchable database for holdings in our Music Library)
Sheet Music in American Memory
American Radicalism Collection (books, pamphlets, periodicals, posters, and ephemera from Michigan State University)
Dime Novels and Penny Dreadfuls (Stanford University collection covering late 19th and early 20th cc.)
History of Social Welfare Collection (Cornell University)
Illinois Newspaper Project
Chicago History Museum
Encyclopedia of Chicago
Black Metropolis Research Consortium
The Black Metropolis Research Consortium (BMRC) is an unincorporated Chicago-based association of libraries, universities, and other archival institutions with major holdings of materials that document African American and African diasporic culture, history, and politics, with a specific focus on materials relating to Chicago. The University of Chicago serves as Host Institution of the BMRC.
Homicide in Chicago, 1870-1930
University of Chicago, Uncovering Chicago Archives project

UIUC subscription database

Women and Social Movements, 1600-2000
Reader's Guide Retrospective
Heritage Quest (census enumeration forms)
American Periodicals (includes some periodicals up to 1940)
Historical Chicago Defender (1905-1975; actually 1910-1975)
Historical Chicago Tribune (1849-1985)
Digital Sanborn Maps (Illinois)
Vanderbilt Television News Archive (news broadcasts 1968- )
The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives (1960-1974)
ARTStor (1 million images, keyword searchable, includes large photo archives)
American History in Video (On trial through May 31, 2011. Includes newsreels, documentaries, archival footage.)

3. Microfilm Collections

Most of the Library’s microfilm is located in the History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library stacks. Many of the microfilm sets have printed guides that will help you locate the material you need. These guides usually have the same call number as the film itself. They are located on the shelves to your left just inside the History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library stacks.

Examples of microfilm collections relating to American working class history include: