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Archives of Russia, Eastern Europe & Eurasia: Terminology

General introduction to archival resources and terminology, with links to numerous archival institutions, descriptions of procedures, and details of guides specializing in information pertaining to archives and primary source documents in print and online

Fond, Opis, Delo???

So what do you ask for when you get to the archives: papers, books stuff??  As with most other fields the terminology is highly specialized and you need to be familiar with it before you get there.  There are alot of very useful sources for this.  Many are actually in the archival guides.  Below are some that you might find helpful. The first, the multilingual dictionary of archival terminology from the International Institute of Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor that is pictured below, is available here.

 Multilingual archival terminology

Next is a Polish language interactively alphabetized dictionary of archival terminology. In addition to the dictionary, in recent years this privately authored and maintained site has expended significantly to include useful links to Polish archives and other professional associations that are interested in and working with archives. It can be accessed here.


 Finally, another useful online dictionary for English-speakers has been complied by the Russian National Archives and is available here. It works very similarly to the Polish link above, except that there are no other links to outside sources, only one link to the Russian National Archives internal page on frequently asked questions and definitions (in Russian).

Russian Archival Terminology


Romanian terminology

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Slavic Reference Service
International and Area Studies Library
Room 317
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1408 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, Illinois 61801