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University Library


MUS528: Music Research in Archives: Preparing for your class visit

This guide will help you navigate Archon, the Sousa Archives' collection managment system.

Sample Searches

These are a few sample searches. Feel free to create your own!

Find the answer to these questions

We will bring these materials out for you during your class visit. Please try to find which collection and box number will most likely have the materials that will help you answer the question. Look at the box on the left for some sample searches.

1. Who compiled the Long Beach Municipal Band photo book? When was this book compiled? Who conducted the band? How many members did the Band have in 1949? Who played what instrument?

2. What is a Taragto? How about an Octavin? What do they have in common?

3. How many members did the Women’s Symphony Orchestra of Long Beach have in1937? How were they distributed among the different sections? How did Herbert L. Clarke take the presentation of the “Book of Friendship”?

4. How close were Lou Harrison and Harry Parch?

5. What was the instrumentation for the 1957 performance of Harry Partch's "The Bewitched"?

Subject Guide

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University Archives
Room 146 Library
1408 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
Telephone: (217) 333-0798
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