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University Library


Grainger Graduate Assistant Evidence Synthesis Training

Types of Grey Literature

Common types of grey literature include:

  • Standards
  • Technical reports
  • Government documents and publications
  • White papers
  • Policy documents
  • Dissertations and Theses
  • Patents
  • Regulatory data
  • Annual Reports

For a comprehensive listing of types of grey literature, visit

Types of Grey Literature and Their Characteristics
Types of Grey Literature Characteristics that make it grey literature

Not listed in commercial indexes or even in library discovery systems

Institutional author and publisher with no individual authors

Identifiers are inconsistent across time in that there are multiple revisions and drafts released for each standard

Difficult access due to cost

Focused on actionable information (requirements for products, processes, methodologies)

Published/cataloged as monographic serials

Technical reports

Inconsistently listed in commercial indexes and rarely cataloged in library discovery systems

Generally individual authors but published by institution

Identifiers are inconsistent across time.

Difficult access due to limited distribution lists.

Focused on actionable information (next steps in research endeavor).

Published/cataloged as either monographic serials or as standalone items under the volume title.

Government documents/reports

Inconsistently listed in commercial indexes and rarely cataloged at the item level in library discovery systems

A mix of individual and institutional authorship

Identifiers are inconsistent across time.

Access primarily through government agency and large depository libraries.

Focused on actionable information (findings, proposals, legislation, executive decisions, etc.)

Cataloged as monographic serials with little item level description.

White papers

Rarely listed in commercial indexes and rarely cataloged in library discovery systems

Generally, includes an individual author and institutional author/publisher

Identifiers are inconsistent across time.

Access primarily through institutional publisher.

Focused on actionable information (persuasive, authoritative report on a problem with articulated solution.)

Policy documents

Rarely listed in commercial indexes and rarely cataloged individually in library discovery systems

Institutional author/publisher

Identifiers are inconsistent or non-existent across time.

Access primarily through institutional publisher.

Focused on actionable information (step by step suggestions for defining a narrowly scoped problem and articulate solutions.)



Dissertations and Theses

Limited indexing in commercial databases.

Individual author and institutional publisher

Identifiers are inconsistent or non-existent across time.

Access primarily through institutional publisher.



Inconsistently listed in commercial indexes and rarely cataloged at the item level in library discovery systems

A mix of individual and institutional authorship

Historically accessed primarily through government agency databases and large depository libraries.

Focused on actionable information (specific design descriptions, technical drawings, etc.)

Cataloged as separate with Patent number as persistent identifier

Regulatory data

Data sets produced in the process of the regulatory filings required by regulatory agencies.

Rarely listed in commercial indexes, rarely cataloged, held inconsistently across data repositories and government repositories.

A mix of individual and institutional authorship.

Accessed primarily through government agency repositories.

Indexed in association with a specific regulatory filing/procedure.

Annual reports

Historically rarely indexed in commercial indexes. Currently indexed in major commercial business databases.

Accessibility depends on whether it is published by a public or private entity

Generally institutional authorship.

Accessed by a combination of commercial databases and corporate publishers.

Can be produced and indexed in association with a specific regulatory filing/procedure.