The Maker Studie is a staff-managed manufacturing environment. Faculty, students, and staff are welcome to submit a Cricut cut request form to the IDEA Lab Maker Studio.
Who can submit a design to the IDEA Lab Maker Studio?
Anyone affiliated with the University of Illinois can submit a request for a Cricut cut. If someone not affiliated with the University directly would like to use our services, email us at for options we may be able to provide.
How do I get started?
Submit either a Cricut cut request at
Do I need to bring anything to pick up my Cricut job?
You will need your i-Card for ID verification.
Why do I need to submit a Design Space link?
The Cricut only processes designs sent through Design Space. Design Space creations cannot be saved/exported as other file types.
How long will it take to process a Cricut job?
We cannot guarantee a due date as the process can be unpredictable and depends on the selected material and design intricacy.
How much does a Cricut job cost?
Our costs break down in the following way: We have a flat fee of $4.00 per cut plus the cost of materials used. The flat fee of $4.00 is for staff time.
When will I be billed?
Once the job is completed and we've communicated to you it is ready to pick up.
Can I use the equipment in the IDEA Lab Maker Studio?
For safety reasons, only trained IDEA Lab staff can operate the equipment.
When should I expect my print to be ready?
Due to the nature of the Cricut Maker 3, we cannot give firm completion times at the start of the process. Times will be based on the Cricut job's complexity and printer and staff availability.
What happens if my Cricut job fails?
A trained and dedicated staff member will communicate with you on the progress of your cut.
Are there restrictions on what I can cut?
The IDEA Lab adheres to the regulations stated in the campus-wide University’s Student Code and the Library User Policies. We reserve the right to refuse print jobs that infringe on these policies and guidelines.
How long will you hold my object for me?
We will hold the cut job until the end of the semester in which it was submitted. However, due to university billing procedures, we may bill for the job before that time, as we typically process payments monthly. Please review our workflow on our IDEA Lab 3D printing Studio page.
What colors/kinds of material do you cut with?
We have a wide array of paper and vinyl to choose from. We do our best to keep a variety of colors. However, we may not have all colors in all paper or vinyl types. You may request specific color and material types, but availability will depend on stock.
What if we provide the materials? Does that affect cost?
We handle these types of requests on a case-by-case basis. Email the IDEA Lab to discuss options.