Almost 5,000 book-length works of scholarship in the humanities, with an emphasis on history. Works selected by scholars.
Hundreds of history, philosophy, and religious studies titles added to our collection of Cambridge Core ebooks. We don't have access to every book in Cambridge Core, but there are records in the Library Catalog for all the ebooks from this collection that we do own. Titles were selected using "turn-away data," which are records of failed attempts to access an ebook that the Library does not own.
Over 300 volumes from the Cambridge History of... series. Volumes are full-text searchable. Chapters display as PDF facsimiles of the print originals. Both book level and chapter level citations are easily exportable to Zotero and ten other citation management software tools.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection is a general collection covering a variety of subject areas, from fiction to academic works.
Giant collection of books digitized from university libraries. Includes Google Books content and much that is not in Google Books.
Waitlists have been suspended on the 1.4 million books in the Internet Archive Lending Library. These are books that are not in the public domain, and that formerly had to be virtually "checked out", and the borrower had "to return" the book before the next person on the waitlist could use it. Learn more in the official announcement.
Over 40,000 scholarly ebooks books. We do not have access to every ebook in the collection (which in total has over 75,000). NOTE: JSTOR is providing expanded access during the COVID-19 shutdown--see their announcement for more information.
Over 22,000 scholarly ebooks. As with JSTOR Books, not every title listed in the collection (almost 60,000) is owned by University of Illinois. NOTE: Project MUSE is providing expanded access during the COVID-19 shutdown--see Project Muse's announcement for more information.
ProQuest has expanded access to our ebook collections by removing the limits on number of simultaneous users. Visit this link to see a subject guide to the our ProQuest Ebook Central ebooks.
General guide to finding ebooks (for all disciplines) at the University Library.