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History 200D: Monarchy, From the Middle Ages to the Present

Library Guide for finding resources to complete assignments for History 200D

Choosing a Topic

You can use "tertiary" reference sources (e.g., encyclopedias, biographies, almanacs, etc.) to learn about possible topics, and to gather helpful background information on these topics. These sources provide broad overviews, but also often contain bibliographies that point to more relevant sources. The following reference websites allow for keyword searching and subject browsing.

  • Credo Reference

    Links to various reference books including dictionaries and encyclopedias from every major subject including art, science, history, music, foreign language, politics and literature.

  • Britannica Online

    Online version of a broad, general-knowledge encyclopedia.

Specialized reference sources particular to a discipline or area of study can be especially good starting points. You can consult our Online Reference Collection to find reference works that are available online and are keyword searchable and browsable by topic. Here are a few that you might find helpful: